Fully Exited 1st Quarter calendar year 2023
Real Foods Proprietary Limited (Real Foods)
Real Foods is a holding company that was created in 2013 with the intention of consolidating health focused food producers and retailers in South Africa and creating a dominant healthy food and wellness focused company in South Africa. Real Foods currently operates 153 Kauai and 5 Nu Health stores across 5 countriesReal Foods was founded by Dean Kowarski, the Group’s CEO, an accomplished entrepreneur with a strong track record of success in various sectors that identified an opportunity to create a health food group of scale that sets itself apart from its competitors through a grassroots approach to healthy, natural food, innovation, social responsibility and integrity.
“In addition to capital, Kleoss also provides another valuable resource, in that they proactively engage with their investments and businesses at a board and strategy level. So they add a wealth of expertise to our company that will be important to our planned expansion.” – Dean Kowarski (Real Foods CEO)

Trenstar Proprietary Limited (Trenstar)
Trenstar is a privately owned logistics and asset management solutions provider with a fleet of c.300,000 uniquely identified, standardised and customisable Returnable Packaging Containers. Trenstar’s proprietary technology, designed over 15 years of container management experience, is core to its offering and is able to offer customers and clients detailed analysis and data directly linked to the flow of Returnable Packaging Containers in order to reduce cost, increase efficiency and facilitate greater integration within the supply chain.All of Trenstar’s Returnable Packaging Containers are fitted with unique bar-coding in order to track and trace individual packaging and products through the supply chain through the use of RFID technology.
Centre for Diabetes and Endocrinology Proprietary Limited (CDE)
CDE was established in 1994 to introduce higher levels of care for people with diabetes in South Africa. CDE was founded by Dr Larry Distiller, a respected Endocrinologist specialising in diabetes who developed a comprehensive diabetes treatment and management programme, which allowed for the implementation of correct and appropriate diabetes care principles. These standards are used as a benchmark not only in South Africa, but throughout the rest of the world. Dr Distiller is a leading luminary globally within the treatment of diabetes.The company has the largest general practitioner (GP) network in South Africa – which is its primary point of care – regarding diabetic treatment of patients. It is also supported by numerous medical aid schemes regarding the specialist treatment of diabetes.
Partially Exited 1st Quarter calendar year 2020
Debt Rescue Proprietary Limited (Debt Rescue)
Debt Rescue was established in 2008 as a provider of debt counselling services as defined by the National Credit Act. Debit Rescue has developed a strong reputation as one of the market leaders in SA debt counselling industry. This has been achieved through providing excellent levels of service to clients whilst building good relationships with the majority of credit providers. Debt Rescue won both 2015 Debt Counselling Industry Panel Award and the Public Favourite Award.
Dartcom is a specialist value adding distributor of Radio Frequency (“RF”) and RF related products, fibre optic (“FO“) communications products, specialised cabling, outside plant and stand-by battery solutions to operators, infrastructure providers and their turnkey contractors. Dartcom buys and sells products which it procures from principal vendors, both local and international to various telecommunications market sector customers.Dartcom has a local assembly facility for FO and RF cable assemblies that serves as a value-added service/product to complement its existing product range.
Dartcom is a Level 3 B-BBEE Contributor.

Founded in 1957 as a commercial global franchisor. Bandag has over 1,700 franchised dealers in more than 100 countries world-wide, replacing almost 9 million truck and bus tyres a year. In South Africa, the franchise is owned by majority management and Kleoss Capital. The parent company was formed in 1957, when Roy Carver purchased the rights to a revolutionary precured retreading process from its German inventor, Bernard Anton Novak. Today Bandag is a global company, with 15 production facilities on 5 continents, producing retreading equipment, more than 275 tread designs and sizes and providing needed services to trucking fleets worldwide.